Following years of Right-to-Buy initiatives and almost a decade of austerity, Madison Brook set up its Affordable Homes division in 2017 to support Local Authorities, LATCos, Pension Houses and Family Offices.
Our aim – bring private expertise and investment to the public sector to help address the structural shortage of decent quality and energy efficient affordable homes.
Our approach – acquire existing street properties in scale, refurbish them to exacting compliance and environmental standards, offer them to publicly funded housing teams, and provide a full-service tenant and property management service. Effectively, levelling-up affordable housing to the standard of the best private rental sector. Simultaneously, reducing the carbon footprint of building new by recycling existing homes*.
In August 2022 we passed an important milestone in that journey. Working with our partners, we exceeded £250 million of affordable homes delivered to struggling families across London. Further, since then we have built a pipeline of a further £75m of homes due to complete before the end of the next financial year.
Our dedicated HARP™ programme – Housing Acquisition and Refurbishment Programme – offers our partners the ability to invest in the Affordable Homes sector, safely, sustainably and in scale.
If you are looking to acquire property, or you wish to deploy capital into a social impact space, please contact us today on 020 3946 6700.
*Average saving of 50 tonnes of CO2 per home.